Biophilic Design

Biophilic Design: Creating Sustainable Spaces that Nurture and Inspire

Imagine a work environment that creates a sense of renewal – a location where you are not merely working, but thriving.

A location where natural materials create a soothing ambiance, plants lend vitality to every corner, and sunlight rushes through the windows.

This is the fundamental idea of sustainable workspaces, and the combination that makes it all come together is Biophilic design.

Love For Nature

Bringing elements of the outdoors indoors and capitalising on our inbound love of nature is the essence of biophilic design.

It’s important to create areas that genuinely connect us to nature rather than merely putting in a few potted plants.

Biophilic design: What Is It

More than giving a greenery touch, biophilic design is an all-encompassing method of designing environments that promote sustainability and well-being in relationship to the natural world.

It involves more than just putting plants in a space; it’s a multi-layered approach with two main components:

Connection To Nature

The real presence of nature in a space is the most evident and real component of biophilic design.

Imagine an interior filled with lush plants, tranquil water features, windows that let in natural light, and a constant flow of fresh air.

Our senses are immediately and directly affected by direct nature components, which also improve air quality, lessen tension, and create a peaceful environment.

Inspired from Nature 

This section explores our relationship with nature on a deeper level, subconsciously.

It entails the use of naturalistic-inspired materials, hues, textures, and patterns.

Consider earthy hues, stone accents, timber furniture, and even nature-themed artwork.

Indirect natural components offer a sense of peace, creativity, and belonging by gently arousing our natural passion for the outdoors.

Why Biophilic Design Matters

Research continues to unveil the profound benefits of biophilic design, making it more than just an aesthetic choice—it’s a crucial element for creating healthier, happier, and more sustainable spaces:

Reduced Stress and Improved Mood

Natural elements like plants, sunlight, and water have a calming effect on our minds and bodies.

They reduce stress hormones, boost the “feel-good” hormone,  and create an overall sense of well-being.

This can lead to improved morale, reduced absenteeism, reduced burnout, and a more positive workplace culture.

Increased Productivity and Creativity

Studies have shown that workers in biophilic offices are more productive, focused, and creative.

Exposure to nature can improve cognitive function, enhance problem-solving skills, and spark innovation. This translates to a more efficient and effective workforce.

Improved Health

The benefits of biophilic design extend beyond mental well-being.

Exposure to nature has been linked to a stronger immune system, lower blood pressure, and faster recovery from illness.

By incorporating natural elements into our workspaces, we can create environments that actively promote health and well-being.

Enhanced Sense of Connection and Purpose

Biophilic environments foster a sense of connection—to nature, to our surroundings, and to our work.

This can lead to increased job satisfaction, higher employee engagement, and a greater sense of purpose.


Biophilic design often goes hand-in-hand with sustainable practices.

By incorporating natural materials, maximising daylight, and improving ventilation, we can create spaces that are not only healthier for occupants but also gentler on the environment.

This can lead to reduced energy consumption, lower operating costs, and a smaller ecological footprint.

Bringing Biophilic Design into Your Space

You don’t need a major renovation to experience the benefits of biophilic design. Here are some easy ways to infuse nature into your workspace.

Add More Green
Add plants! They’re the stars of biophilic design. Mix it up with leafy friends like succulents and snake plants. Get creative with vertical gardens or calming plant clusters. Even a small herb garden adds a fresh touch.
Go Natural
Swap out synthetic materials for wood, bamboo, or rattan furniture. Add stone accents for a touch of nature. Natural textures make your space feel warm and inviting.
Let the Light Shine
Open up the windows! Let natural light flood in. Use mirrors to brighten up darker corners. Natural light does wonders for your mood and energy levels.
Add a Water Feature
The sound of trickling water is incredibly soothing. Consider a small fountain or tabletop water feature to create a peaceful atmosphere.
Use Nature’s Colors

Think greens, blues, browns, and natural patterns. They evoke a sense of calm and connection to the outdoors. Bring them into your decor and artwork.

Design for Everyone

Create different zones in your workspace. Have areas for teamwork and brainstorming, as well as quiet spots for focused work. This caters to different needs and preferences. Most probably a Pantry would be wonderful place to hangout,

Step Outside

If you have access to outdoor spaces, encourage people to use them! Taking breaks in nature can do wonders for stress levels, mood, and creativity. Even a window view of nature can help.

Real-Life Examples of Biophilic Design

Biophilic Design @ Amazon Spheres

The Spheres (Seattle, USA)

Amazon’s headquarters features giant glass spheres filled with thousands of plants, creating an indoor rainforest environment for employees.

Biophilic Designs @ Khoo Teck Puat

Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (Singapore)

This hospital is designed with ample greenery, natural light, and water features to create a healing and therapeutic environment for patients and staff.

Key Takeaways

Biophilic design’s multi-layered approach, incorporating direct and indirect nature, as well as thoughtful spatial arrangements, has been proven to reduce stress, boost creativity, and improve overall well-being.

Moreover, it aligns with sustainable practices, promoting energy efficiency and the use of natural materials, thus reducing our ecological footprint.

Even small changes, like adding plants or maximising natural light, can significantly enhance your workspace. By embracing biophilic design, we not only create environments that nurture and inspire us but also contribute to a more sustainable future for our planet.

Choose Sustainability With GreenNest

GreenNest Coworking Space in Kochi blends a nature-inspired design with modern amenities.

Our flexible spaces accommodate teams of all sizes, and we prioritize sustainable practices to give you a premium Kochi office address.

Book a tour and experience the GreenNest difference.