Conflict management

Conflict Management: The Foundation of a Positive and Productive Workplace

Conflict management is an essential skill in today’s diverse workplaces.

It’s more than just settling conflicts; it’s about creating an environment in which diversity are valued, communication is open, and collaboration thrives.

Unresolved disagreements can result in poor productivity, low morale, and high turnover, making effective conflict resolution a critical aspect in organisational success.

Let’s examine in detail conflict management styles, strategies, and the impact of workplace atmosphere.

Why Conflict Management is Essential for A Thriving Workplace

There is a misconception about the term “Conflict” being negative.

In fact, conflict is necessary for a vibrant and expanding workplace culture.

These conflicts enable creativity, problem solutions, and new possibilities. However, there is a limit to how beneficial conflict can be.

When it begins to harm personal relationships and crosses the line of professionalism, it becomes destructive.

Let’s look at the impact or symptoms of conflict in the workplace and why effective conflict resolution is essential.

Lost Productivity

The first and foremost effect of the absence of conflict management is reduced productivity.

When the positive vibe turns negative, individuals start avoiding each other and focusing on disagreements.

This lack of productivity impacts results, leading to delays in work submission, missed deadlines, and decline in company bottom line.

Increased Absenteeism

Conflict can lead to a stressful and unpleasant work atmosphere.

Employees may begin reporting sick to avoid confrontations or unpleasant energy in the office.

Increased absenteeism has a negative impact not just on individual productivity but also on team dynamics and project operations.

Low Morale and Increased Burnout

Frequent disagreements lead to negativity, irritation, and anxiety which leads to Low morale.

Working for a prolonged period in this negative setup will be disengaging for employees.

This toxic environment can also lead to workplace burnout, which is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged or excessive stress.

High Turnover

When a dispute is not handled, employees may believe they have no alternative but to leave the firm.

This is especially true for high-achieving individuals who value a pleasant and supportive workplace culture.

High turnover is costly for firms because it increases recruitment and training costs, reduces knowledge and skills, and disrupts team cohesion.

Conflict Management Strategies

1. Identify the Source

    • Ask deeper questions to uncover the root causes and unmet needs.
    • Actively listen for unspoken emotions and hidden agendas.
    • Consider the broader organisational context.

2. Open Communication:

    • Create a safe space for honest expression.
    • Practise active listening and empathetic responses.
    • Focus on the problem, not the person.

3. Focus on Interests, Not Positions:

    • Ask “why” to uncover deeper motivations.
    • Find common ground and shared interests.
    • Separate the person from the problem.

4. Generate Options:

    • Brainstorm creatively and encourage out-of-the-box thinking.
    • Involve all parties in generating solutions.
    • Collaborate to build on ideas and address everyone’s concerns.

5. Evaluate and Select a Solution:

    • Define criteria for a good solution.
    • Rate each option based on the criteria.
    • Discuss and negotiate to reach consensus.

6. Implement and Follow Up:

    • Create an action plan with timelines and assigned responsibilities.
    • Schedule regular check-ins to assess progress.
    • Be flexible and adjust the solution as needed.

Conflict Management Methods

Conflict management is a process that requires an integrated strategy.

One method may not be suitable for all problems.

Conflict management will inherently be diverse because it is based on human interaction and emotions.

Depending on the severity of the conflict, the responsible HR or assigned people must modify one.

Check out the following techniques to conflict resolution.


This strategy emphasises that everyone can win a conflict.

It involves looking deeply into the difficulties, understanding everyone’s needs and concerns, and collaborating to create a solution that benefits everyone.

This collaborative approach builds trust, deepens relationships, and encourages long-term solutions.

However, it takes time, patience, and a real desire to discover a mutually beneficial solution.


When a critical choice needs to be made, a competitive style can be effective.

This entails expressing your own needs and desires, often at the expense of others.

While this can lead to speedy answers, it can also harm relationships and cause anger.

It’s best reserved for situations requiring a quick choice or when protecting your values or principles is critical.


The avoidance style is all about staying out of conflict altogether.

This could include ignoring the problem, changing the subject, or physically removing yourself from the situation.

While it may bring momentary relief, avoidance rarely resolves the underlying issue.

In fact, it can often exacerbate the situation by allowing the disagreement to subside and perhaps erupt again with greater intensity later on.


Sometimes maintaining relationships is more essential than winning an argument.

The accommodating style prioritises the needs of others over your own, even if it means giving up your desires.

This can be a selfless and relationship-building strategy, but it should be used with caution.

If you frequently prioritise others’ needs before your own, you may feel resentful and unvalued.


When a quick and equitable solution is required, compromise can be an effective tactic.

In order to establish a compromise, both parties must give up something.

While it may not be the best option for everyone, it is frequently a practical means to resolve a disagreement when time is limited or a flawless solution appears impossible.

However, it is crucial to ensure that the compromise is truly fair and does not leave either party feeling excessively disadvantaged.

Building a Positive Workplace: The Key to Effective Conflict Management

Whether to resolve conflicts immediately or allow them to simmer depends entirely on the company’s approach.

However, the role of a positive workplace in conflict management is undeniable.

Workplace culture plays a crucial role in how conflicts are handled.

Let’s explore the value a positive workplace brings to conflict management, focusing on resolution rather than avoidance.

Foster Open Communication

Encourage employees to share their thoughts and concerns using a variety of channels, such as team meetings, one-on-one talks, and feedback platforms.

Prioritise active listening and ensuring that leadership demonstrates transparency.

Cultivate Mutual Respect

Value diversity in ideas and contributions, creating an inclusive environment in which everyone feels safe to express their opinions.

Recognize individual and team achievements while providing constructive critique that focuses on behaviour rather than personal attacks.

Set Clear Expectations

To avoid confusion, clearly identify your roles, responsibilities, and processes.

Provide training and resources to prepare employees for success and reduce misconceptions.

Recognize and Reward

Implement a formal recognition program, encourage peer-to-peer praise, and celebrate individual and team accomplishments to reinforce positive behaviours and boost morale.

How Coworking Space is Efficient in Enabling Conflict Management

When analysing the basic characteristics of a workplace favourable to effective conflict resolution, the value of collaboration becomes obvious.

A collaborative environment is a basic requirement for any company, and coworking spaces naturally embrace cooperation as a central element.

Consider multiple companies and individuals functioning at various levels, coexisting peacefully under one roof, respecting their privacy but encouraging collaboration.

This unity in variety is the essence of conflict resolution, which seeks win-win outcomes for all parties involved. 


One Essential Advantage of coworking spaces is their emphasis on sustainability.

Working in a natural environment creates a sense of peace and well-being, while modern amenities increase productivity and overall enjoyment.

Feel The GreenNest Difference

Is your lacklustre workspace fueling conflict and hindering your company’s growth?

It’s time for a fresh start.

GreenNest Business Centre and Coworking Space in Kochi is here to give you an ideal workplace experience.

With all the latest amenities, we provide you with a sustainable workplace experience, including:

Comfortable and ergonomic workspaces
High-speed internet and technology infrastructure
Meeting rooms and event spaces
Fully-equipped pantry

Experience the GreenNest difference and elevate your workplace culture.

Contact us today to schedule a tour and discover how we can help you create a harmonious and productive work environment.